Our PACE and Trauma approach has been well embedded in some of our services already, in particular our education services, Family Nurse Partnership and our Youth Offending provision.

The GM training offer has enabled us to drive forward further engagement within broader services. The training (levels 1, 2, or 3) has been attended by more than 150 members of staff from Oldham, representing a broad range of services. The quality and depth of the training have been appreciated by participants.

We have had a meaningful engagement with children and young people who have faced adversity and trauma to discuss and recognise their resilience, what young people have drawn upon, and positive strategies for symptom mitigation and recovery as experts by experience. This has informed the I thrive bees model and the Vitamin N workshops within Oldham

For several years Oldham has been following the Scottish psychological trauma and adversity training plan model we have mapped our training offer to the four areas: we have currently updated our mapping activity to help us understand what training our partners have undertaken outside of the GM offer and what training needs to take place to fill identified gaps, OSCP training calendar offers a variety of training on trauma, children’s mental health and MECC.

As a partnership, we are looking at how we can create a sustainable and creative training offer, ie The ABCs of trauma that we are planning as an online resource facilitated by partners.

We are now starting a new phase of our work on this programme in Oldham, with a local lead identified and an action plan will be developed locally over the coming months. A key priority will be how to build momentum across the system. 

For further information relating to Oldham please contact:

Anna Tebay 

Head of service, public health

Email: anna.tebay@oldham.gov.uk

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